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(#270 (permalink))
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masaegu (Offline)
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02-26-2011, 04:33 PM

Originally Posted by StonerPenguin View Post
Yes, you're right. The message I'm trying to get across is that I contacted them earlier. So it's alright to use とか like that? I just wanted a quick check to make sure that's right and not confusing I think I'll send it off the way I had it before;
「詠美子さん、おはよう。 お元気? すごく遅くなっ てごめんね。 >< でも、私と日本語で話してくれて ありがとうとか、どのくらいアラバマに滞在するのかと か、真央さんのSoftBankのアドレスにもう送ってるんだけ� ��。 いつアトランタに行くの? ではでは~」
That use of とか is completely natural.

You might want to change the period at the end of the longest sentence to 「・・・」 because you are clearly leaving something unsaid. (That something = the fact that you have not heard from Mao.)