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Cherryberry (Offline)
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Grammer check help please! - 02-26-2011, 04:43 PM

hi everyone!
Am a fulltime student studying the Japanese language. Lately am encountring many grammer difficulties and my teacher isn't really helping me out.
So i thought maby i can find help on the net.

My homework involves a lot of translating texts and its also my oral exam so i was wondering if someone could check my translation.

MNN39: First Date

b: Japanese a Englishman

A:You went out on a date with C yesterday, didn’t you?
B:Yes, I was off yesterday so we had a date in the afternoon, but I had a lot of problems.
はい、きのうやすみので昼過(ひるす)ぎにデートがあり� ��すが問題がたくさんあります。
A:Is that so? It was your first date, so did you get nervous?
そうですか。あなたの最初(さいしょ)のデートでびびり� ��したか。
B:Yes, of course. When I thought about the date the day before yesterday I got nervous so I could not sleep well.
はいもちろん。おとといデートを考えて、とてもびびり ましたのでよくねられなかった。
A:I understand your feeling. What did you do?
あなたのきもちがわかりました。それで何をしましたか 。
B:First we watched a movie. But the English in the movie was fast, so I could not understand it well.
まず映画を見ましたが映画の英語とても速いのでぜんぜ んわかりません。
A:The English of movies sometimes is difficult. I think the more complicated a story is, the more difficult the English. What movie did you watch?
映画の英語ときどき難しし。ものがたりは難しければむ ずかしいほど英語がやすくなくなると思います
B:We watched “Sherlock Holmes”. I slept during the movie, because the story was so difficult.
シャーロックホームズを見ました。映画の最中に寝たん ので物語りはとても難しし。

A:Really? It was a date!! Was C not surprised?
本当ですか。デートですよ。c-さんはびっくりしませ んでしたか。
B:Yes , C said she was surprised to see me sleeping.
はい、c-さんは私が眠って見て、驚(おどろ)いたと言� ��ていました。
A:What did you do after the movie?
B:I thought to have dinner at a nice restaurant that was at some distance, so I reserved at 6 o’clock. But on the way to the restaurant there was an accident and we were late.
遠くていいレストランへ行くと思ってので6時に予約し ましたがれすとらんへいくとちゅうで
A:That was tough, wasn’t it? What kind of accident was it?
B:It was a car crash. I think the driver could not see well because of the rain.
車の事故でした。運転手は雨でよく見られないと思いま す。
A:Is that so? That was too bad. Last night the train also was late because of the rain, so I also came home late.
そうですか。それは残念でしたね。さくや雨で電車はも 遅れたので私もおそく帰りました。
B:But the restaurant was nice. The restaurant held a mini concert of jazz. I was enchanted by the nice jazz music.
しかしレストランはすばらしいでした。レストランでち さなコンサートのジャズをひらきました。
A:That was a nice restaurant, wasn’t it? I think C was happy. I was surprised to hear you had much trouble, but I think it was a good date. I envy you.
よかったレストランでしたね。C-さんはうれしかった� �思います。私はあなたの問題が聞いて驚きましたが
B:Do you think so? I want to make a good plan so that the next date will be much better. By the way, have you already finished this report, A?
そう思いますか。いい予定をしたいので次のデートはよ いようになります。
A:Yes, I have finished it. You had better write it quickly because you have to hand in the report by day after tomorrow.
はい、やりました。あさってまでにレポートを出さなけ ればならないから早く書きますよ。
B:You’re right. I have to work all day long tomorrow so I will have to do this homework today.
そうなんですが。あした終日(しゅうじつ)働かなければ� ��らないので今日宿題(しゅくだい)をしてしました。
A:That’s tough, isn’t it? If you have some questions, you can ask me anything. I have nothing to do today so I can help you.
大変ですね質問があったら私に何か聞いてもいいです。 今日予定がないので手伝えてもいいですよ。
B:Thank you very much. Actually it’s difficult for me to do this homework because I don’t understand it well so I’m glad to hear that
ありがとうございました。実は私のためにこの宿題はち ょっとむずかしい
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