02-26-2011, 05:31 PM
Since when does following fashion trends make one weak, have low self-esteem, have a poor family life, etc? I have never read anything so odd.
It is natural to follow trends and social norms. I am from the Pacific NW, and here things tend to be fairly relaxed, so when I have visited places like Washington DC I was surprised to see every man in a suit and tie... almost without fail. In Oregon our governor wears blue jeans to work.
So when I am in DC I wear a suit and tie, as it is what is expected. This is following the social norm. In Oregon I never use an umbrella... it is the first sign of a tourist... but in Japan I do. It has nothing to do with familial relationships or child abuse, it is simply about fitting in.
NOTE: Moved from another thread
Last edited by MMM : 02-26-2011 at 08:45 PM.