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ryuurui (Offline)
Japanese calligrapher
Posts: 880
Join Date: Jul 2010
Location: Tokyo
02-26-2011, 09:54 PM

Haha that would explain why we are both hard headed and defend the positions.

I tell you, when I came over here in 2001 I was wondering why everyone is celebrating halloween on September. Trying a lot of new things is good, but some creations are really out of control. I like simplicity and classic things, modern is good but there needs to be balance. Similarly in calligraphy, where the beauty of this art is not hidden in lines but the white space around, thus the void. Less is more. In Japan lack of guidance comes from weak family backbone and thats why the mentality/trends went mustang. It may be good for progress (lots of fashin creators come here to see what's new on the menu) but for me it causes a headache. Situation is a bit chaotic here.

I attack the ant colony like mentality. I freaking hate it. I ve been to many countries and Japan is the most suitable for me. I just bloody hope that things will get, how shall i put it ina civilized way, less uptight here in the future.

Maybe I have never looked for one. I am attracted more to southern types (though my wife has mixed Chinese blood in). I like outgoing and open people. If someone doesnt like me I want him or her to get it out of the system. We either sort it or not, and then move on.

I knew few Japanese women that revealed amazing passion when I digged deeper to uncovered layers, but it seems to me that for some reason (and I am afraid it is the need for uniformity) they hide it under irritating mask of あ,そうなんですか?'s small talk plastic face 10 inch thick safe door. Having said that, European girls can drive you crazy with other stuff. They have mastered an art of making a problem out of nothing. I call it a psychotic perpetuum mobile. As to Japan, I am just pointing here what strikes me the most.

Nah man, he does it becauase he has no balls to fight, no guts to stand up and bitch slap the oppressor. He needs others so he can follow. We have started a workers union as the illegal shit going in my place just got too ridiculous. Hammer time.

I rememeber I said to another guy "you are working 18h a day, are you crazy?", he said, "No, I am Japanese". This shows how some of them are programmed. It scares me man.

I believe that where the personality ends one stops to be human. This is what I am referring to saying that one should seek his own way. For me it is following the trends. So to make it more precise, I use an ubrella when it rains and I dont care if someone thinks I am a tourist. So what if he does, lol.

Last edited by ryuurui : 02-26-2011 at 10:12 PM.
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