Originally Posted by ryuurui
Nah man, he does it becauase he has no balls to fight, no guts to stand up and bitch slap the oppressor. He needs others so he can follow. We have started a workers union as the illegal shit going in my place just got too ridiculous. Hammer time.
I rememeber I said to another guy "you are working 18h a day, are you crazy?", he said, "No, I am Japanese". This shows how some of them are programmed. It scares me man.
I believe that where the personality ends one stops to be human. This is what I am referring to saying that one should seek his own way. For me it is following the trends. So to make it more precise, I use an ubrella when it rains and I dont care if someone thinks I am a tourist. So what if he does, lol.
We are saying the same thing. The reason he doesn't punch his boss in the face is because he wants to keep his job. What would his wife say when he goes home and says "I finally stood up to the man!"? She'll then punch him in the face.
And I don't use an umbrella in Oregon not because I don't want to look like a tourist. I don't use one because I don't need to.