02-26-2011, 11:58 PM
(not that anyone is gonna ask you if their bum looks big in a work environment LOL)
Interesting statement, why not? That also supports what you have said later on. You prefer it to be delivered wrapped in a safe box (the reply, not the bum...).
On the other hand asking me if your bum looks big in "this" you are searching for confirmation of your own opinion about yourself or are trying to seek fake compliment to pretend you can still safely feed on cakes. You know your bum the best and can see if it needs gym or not. If it does I will most likely tell you. If you think thats rude it will not necessarily mean we wont get along. I know people coming to me after years and saying, wow the real you is well hidden.
Being polite =/= having to lie to save face. People will respect you more for the truth put in a polite way. Among friends it's different but at work it's what's expected in most cases.
I do not need respect from people that cannot handle the truth. But I know where you are going with the thought that saying one thing in more gentle way does not hurt. But remember, the small talk is a watse of time and if there is no spice in a convo my brain suffocates.