Originally Posted by Cayla
From Cayla Dad;
GoNative, Hi I'm Cayla's father Mike. I wanted to compliment your photos, they are awesome, over here (In Louisiana, USA) Cayla and I do some photography at home and I (we) enter contest from time to time. Do you photograph as a "hobby" or "Pro" or are these are just some random photos? Anyway, they look pretty darn good!
Mike  (Cayla's dad/and Cayla)
Hi Mike
They are my photos and I'm definitely just an amateur. Those were actually taken just with a point and shoot digital not an expensive DSLR. Hokkaido is so incredibly beautiful it's hard to go too wrong.
A couple more of this magnificent region
On the way up Mekunnai dake
No getting below the snowline in Hokkaido in winter
It may not last that long but summer here is spectacular
Summer the time for camping and BBQ! The simple pleasures...