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(#274 (permalink))
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masaegu (Offline)
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02-27-2011, 10:05 AM

Originally Posted by delacroix01 View Post
There are some words I don't understand in the manga chapter I'm reading, so I I hope someone can help me again. Here's the whole context :

1. Just to be sure, ありきたりの反応する means "to react in a typical way", correct?
2. What does 目指す mean in this case? It doesn't seem to mean "to aim at sth" here.
3. This is just my assumption, but does 言葉通じる mean "to understand what one says"? Or does it mean something different?
4. What do かます and カチーンと mean in this context?
5. Finally, is the "YO" in the pictures just the emphasized version of the particle よ, or is it another word?
1. Sort of but to be anal, more like "ordinary" or "conventional" than "typical".

2. It means "to aim to become ~~".

3. Yeah. In this context, it's more like "Do you speak Japanese (or a human language)?"

4. 「かます」 is a slang word meaning "to perform (an action)" 
「カチ(ー)ン」 is an onomatopoeia for "to get offended or indignant".

5, It's a Hip-Hopper's "Yo" used to replace the sentence-ending particle よ.