Originally Posted by MissMisa
If you are at work you have to conform. It doesn't hurt you or make any difference to you to be pleasant, but if you aren't it just makes you look bad, and causes problems for you. Only an idiot would do that.
You can choose the company you keep outside of work and that's fine, but otherwise you just have go with it otherwise people will just think you're an ass. That's fine if you aren't at work, but if you want to make your life easier then be polite.
Unless it's something greatly unjust and will affect everything greatly, then you have to play the game. I'm known for my 'brutal honesty,' (lol, hate that) but there's a time and place - the smart people learn it.
Keep the 'spice' for non-professional environments.
one needs to stand up for justice -- men having to work 18 hours a day in this time and age means they are being exploited. maggie thatcher killed a lot of our unions. why should workers allow themse;ves to be expploited. moRe fool them say I. THEY HAVE TO FIGHT FOR THEIR RIGHts not be too scared to protest. they might just as well be robots they seem to be programmed. we should not buy goods where workers are exploited.