Originally Posted by protheus
Never been drunk, even after about a dozen vodka shots. It seems booze doesn't have alot of effect on me  , at most I was lightheaded.
Really? so it a'int fun at all going to bars n' pubs for you huh? I don't know how that's like since I get drunk with a really really few amount of booze.
Originally Posted by BobbyCooper
then you clearly didn't drink enough lol
give it another try^^ I think everybody needs to experience a film tear at least ones lol^^
but don't exaggerate it too much!
word hehe
Originally Posted by tokusatsufan
I only drink alcopops,things like WKD and Smirnoff Ice so in Japan I suppose I'll end up mostly teetotal over there. It has to be nice. On holiday I bought a carton thinking it was a chocolate milkshake but it was actually very strong,and very horrible sake! I gave it to my friend at college when I got back and nobody stopped me because it didn't look like alcohol!
Don't mums buy it for their kids by accident? What a strange choice of packaging. I hate to say in my country we don't do that,but in my country we don't do that. The alcohol is quite seperate!
You can't drink much either?