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KyleGoetz (Offline)
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A Lesson on Means and Methods for 中・上級 speakers (〜によって・〜をもって・など)) - 02-27-2011, 06:08 PM

MEANS AND MEDIA (again from どんな時どう使う日本語表現文型500 and translated by yours truly)

2級 〜によって/〜による
1級 〜をもって

When you want to say you did something via some means or method.
Do NOT use this structure with familiar tools such as bus or fax machine. You use で instead.

Structure: NOUN+によって

I think that the problem can be solved, based on our conversation.

ボランティア活動に参加することによって自分自身も多 くのことを学んだ。
By participating in volunteering activities, I learned much about myself.

Indicates the subject of a passive verb's action.
Very similar to the function of に in a passive sentence. However, when you want to put focus on
the subject and it is not an animal, you may use によって.

Structure: NOUN+によって

「リア王」はシェークスピアによって書かれた3大悲劇 の1つです。
"King Lear" is one of the three great tragedies written by Shakespeare.

このボランティア活動はある宗教団体によって運営され ている。
This volunteering activity is managed by a religious foundation.

地震予知の研究はアメリカ、中国、日本などの専門家に よって進められてきた。
The study of earthquake forecasting was advanced by the specialists in America, China, Japan, and others countries.

Denotes the source of hearsay. "According to ~"

Structure: NOUN+によると

テレビの長期予報によれば、今年の夏は得に東北地方に おいて冷夏が予想されるそうです。
According to the extended forecast on TV, this year's summer is predicted to be cold, particularly in Tohoku.

経済専門家の予想によると、円高傾向は今後も続くとい うことだ。
According to reports by economic experts, the yen will continue to rise in value.

Designates the means by which something was able to be accomplished.
While these two structures are similar, を通じて is used more to identify the catalyst, while を通して has more of an indication of an active participant/cause.

Structure: NOUN+を通じて

わたしはそのことをテレビのニュースを通じて知りまし た。
I knew that because of the TV news.

田中さんご夫妻を通しての結婚の話しは残念ながらうま くいかなかった。
The story of the Tanaka marriage, I am sorry to say, did not go well.

「社長に会うときは、秘書を通してアポイントメントを 取ってください。」
When meeting the company president, please make an appointment with his secretary.

When ~ has been used to do something.
Not often used with familiar tools and methods. For this, use で. For example, this is wrong:
このメッセージをコンピューターをもって送って下さい 。

誠実な田中さんは非常な努力をもって問題解決に当たり ました。
The sincere Mr. Tanaka, through uncommon effort, hit upon the solution to the problem.

試験の結果は、1週間後に書面をもってお知らせします 。
You will be notified of the results of the test in writing one week from now.
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