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godwine (Offline)
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Japan 2011 Plan - Postponed!!! - 02-28-2011, 11:01 AM

Ok, so my in laws can't make up their mind about the June trip, my wife got pissed off because they keep making all kind of plans that conflict with the original plan. As such, we are going to cancel the June trip, and just my wife and I are going in October-ish November.

This time we want to visit Takayama. Probably a 3-4 days in Takayama, 2 days in Yokohama, and 4 days in Tokyo.

That said, I am rather familiar with Yokohama and Tokyo, but am still open to ideas on what to see. I am looking for recommendation for Takayama. I know its nice and all, but what must I see? I've never been to Takayama ever...

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