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KyleGoetz (Offline)
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03-01-2011, 03:45 PM

Originally Posted by ChannelR View Post
Thanks for the help.

I'll make sure to pay more attention of when to use を and not, and spelling by check my dictionary, thanks. I'll revise over all my particles and such and post again to check if I'm getting it right.

But on the subject of volcab, I can see that 開く and 開ける mean the same thing, but are two different kinds of verbs. Which one should I use and when?
We've got to be careful about the first one(開く). It is read in two different ways based on context: あく and ひらく. I'm going to assume you haven't gotten far enough in your studies to encounter the ひらく reading yet, so you must be talking about 開(あ)く and 開(あ)ける. One is transitive and the other is intransitive.

English has this same duality. "to open" and "to be open."

ドアが開く The door will be open
ドアを開ける I will open the door
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