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KyleGoetz (Offline)
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03-02-2011, 03:04 AM

Originally Posted by bakaelite View Post
But an English speaker wouldn't say "Store the went, uh, I there to." It breaks linguistic patterns and the diagram would be really messy.
Yeah, but would you ever expect to hear something like that in a song?

I bristle at people suggesting Japanese songs are "ungrammatical" for the same reason that I would bristle at someone saying English songs are "ungrammatical." They don't follow the formalized patterns acceptable in "textbook correct writing," but they're still "grammatical" in that everyone can understand it (99% of the time).

And yes, the assignment is basically having me look for patterns in language syntax flexibility.
OK, then that's a much more realistic assignment. Not looking for ungrammatical lyrics in songs like I thought you were tasked with doing.

Yeah, there's a crapload of syntax flexibility. I just wouldn't call any of it "ungrammatical."
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