Thread: English is Easy
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(#7 (permalink))
Susanne (Offline)
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03-02-2011, 04:16 AM


Amazing post. It was so informative; I didn't know many of those things you mentioned, and I totally agree with them!

I apologize if my original statement came out quite a bit too general, but with "easiest to learn" I meant to express something more in the sense of being able to communicate with it in a relatively short amount of time after having studied it. I have few friends in Spain who got to the level where they can defend themselves in English rather quickly, thus the fact became one of the motivations for my writing of this thread.

I had no idea there existed such a language! Not to sound rude, but I would surely die if I had to communicate in such a way! "I school go." Haha, no way! It's almost like watching Tarzan.

Thank you for your response.

@ PoissonApple, yes I wrote this. I didn't intend to make it sound old.

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