Originally Posted by GoNative
Absolutely. What do I care if an actor is an ass in real life? What do I care if they are really nice? If he/she acts good then I don't care what they are getting up to in their spare time. I care so little about the private lives of celebrities that generally I don't have any idea what they are getting up to anyway. If you hadn't brought up this thread I would never have actually known that Charlie Sheen was in the spotlight at the moment.
In general, I do not care either. Some of it is still interesting to a point. More or less in the study of fame and what it encompasses.
That and if I happen to have a moral issue with someones actions, I would try not to support said person. Sure, what I don't know won't hurt, but there is nothing wrong with making choices after I do in fact find out. Example, I couldn't care less about sheen and his drugs and hookers, but I DO care about Roman Polanski raping a young girl.