Hi all,
Im planning to go to Japan soon on a working holiday visa and was hoping someone could clarify for me the situation concerning bank funds for the application.
I am applying from the UK and so need £2.5k or (£1.5k with a return ticket) cleared funds in order to apply for my visa, this is no problem for me but i don't have the money sitting in my account at the moment, and was planning on raising it by borrowing some from family and/or from selling my car during the next month.
My concern is that at the moment my bank account is overdrawn, and that the application requires the previous 3 months bank statements which will show this, i also don't receive paper statements as all my banking is done online. Are these things likely to hinder my application?
I really don't want to have to linger uselessly in the UK until July on a technicality! Any advice is greatly appreciated