Originally Posted by xkmkmlmx
In general, I do not care either. Some of it is still interesting to a point. More or less in the study of fame and what it encompasses.
That and if I happen to have a moral issue with someones actions, I would try not to support said person. Sure, what I don't know won't hurt, but there is nothing wrong with making choices after I do in fact find out. Example, I couldn't care less about sheen and his drugs and hookers, but I DO care about Roman Polanski raping a young girl.
I think you hit the nail on the head. I sort of assume everyone in Hollywood does drugs and hookers, so if I find out they live on a farm and feed chickens, I think "I guess he is really a nice guy." However, when someone is involved in domestic abuse, like Chris Brown, or child rape, like Roman Polanski, I want to know those kinds of things.
With actors there is a degree of separation, as nothing they do is going to affect me. But if it was a policeman doing crack or a teacher smoking weed before class, that is something I would want to know.
Right now one of our State Representatives in Washington DC has been outed as having mental issues, and is on serious prescription medication. He doesn't want to tell the public what he is taking, but many are saying since he is our representative, we have the right to know what medications he is taking and for what conditions. Who is right?