Originally Posted by KyleGoetz
「お二人の人生の門出に際して、ひとことお祝いの言葉 を申し上げます。」
When two people start their life together, one says some celebratory words.
two people >>> the two of you
one >>> I
This is what you say at the beginning of your congratulatory speech at a wedding party.
家を出るところを母に呼びとめられ、いろいろ用事を頼 まれた。
I shouted to my mom that I was about to leave the house, and I was given a number of chores to do [lit. I was asked to do various tasks].
The speaker did not shout; His/Her Mom did when s/he was leaving.
呼びとめられ = Passive Voice
今は上手に話せなくても練習を重ねるうちに上手になり ます。
Even though you cannot speak skillfully right now, while making practice important, you will get better.
"while making practice important"?? Where do you get "important"?
来年度の行事日程については、今見当している最中です 。
Right now, I am only guessing at next year's event schedule.
Doesn't make sense. Did it say 見当, and not 検討?