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03-03-2011, 02:51 PM

Originally Posted by Sangetsu View Post
Interesting, given the fact that Japan's jobless rate is half that of America, an 1/4 that of some European countries.

Japan is a strange place when it comes to issues like employment, education, and suicide, the Japanese seem to be becoming more insular. Safety is the number one priority when it comes to finding work, more so than the type of work or the amount of pay. And graduating students are often reluctant to accept job offers if they are required to move to other parts of the country.

The education system trains you to be an entry-level salaryman, rather than providing a real learning experience, and it provides little guidance for those who wish to take a different path in life. The government regulates how many university subjects may be taught, so many students end up having to study something they don't want to learn in order to qualify for careers that they never wanted to enter.

Japan's ills are symptoms of greater problems, and things are likely to get worse before they get better.
I agree i think this is just tip of the iceberg and i do believe things are going to get worse. It seems the Japanese limit themselves in terms of what work they can do and will decline offers. While in western countries if you are struggling you get a 2nd job or take a job that may not be so glamorous till you find something more lucrative.

I dont think the Japanese are taught how to survive when things get tough. I remember when i was in school many of professors not only taught how to survive in the business world but they also taught how to stay afloat when things like the economy get tough.

With the population getting older and the birthrate dropping every year and the rate of suicides increasing every year Japan is going to have a real problem on their hands in the next 20 years or so. If they continue to resist foreign workers i dont see how they can have a reliable work force in time.

To have 30,000 suicides per year for 13 years blows my mind. However i have not looked up how many suicides there are per year in the US or Europe. which im going to do right now

what's wrong with suicide as an answer?
you get tired of life so you decide to end it quicker. that is the only thing that actually belongs to a person so why not use it how and when you see fit? O.o

i don't think it is nice to call these people mentally ill since most of them aren't. if anything it's a stigma carried from governments since they lose workforce.
You entire statement shows me you did not read the article at all. Try reading it before you respond.

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