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(#298 (permalink))
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KyleGoetz (Offline)
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03-04-2011, 12:54 AM

Originally Posted by icecreamshampoo View Post
ok well hopefully you or someone can help me. this is the front design of my t shirt. i wanted to make a Japanese version of it.

for you who do not know, scene is basically a more youth, punky version of the pop scene.

that is how the sentence is structured. garbage being the last word it is the biggest. i know Japanese grammar is quite different and the word garbage would not be last in a Japanese sentence. how could i structure that sentence in Japanese and what would be the best word to substitute scene for. i dont think japan has the slang term scene.

thankyou so much!
I really don't think you can even translate this sentence. To the best of my knowledge, "scene" cannot be translated here. There is no concept of "scene" in Japanese that is equivalent. Just like if you wanted to say ガングロってヤベッ in English, there is no concept of "ganguro" in English.

Also it strikes me as particularly "scene" to wear a shirt like this in the first place. So ironical, which makes it hipster and not scene, which makes it not ironic, which makes it scene not hipster, and WE'RE CAUGHT IN AN INFINITE LOOP.