My name is Michael. I am only 1/4 Japanese but consider it my heritage and have loved to learn about Japanese culture throughout my life. My dream is to visit the "Land of the Rising Sun" and to learn the language. For right now, though, I only know basic phrases and greetings. Which is why I would very much appreciate any help with this.
A couple of years ago my mother got her hands on this Japanese flag from a local pawn shop. When I first got it, I knew what it was, but not what it said. I know not of the date or location from when it came. If anyone can help me translate just some of what is written, please, my curiosity is driving me insane with this.
I would post a picture of the whole flag, however, my camera isn't the greatest. So here are segments of the flag for the best clarity I could get.
Center Top
Upper Left
Lower Left (This picture shows some of the blood that is dotted throughout the flag)
Lower Right
Upper / Middle Right
Lower Right picture by thejap06 - Photobucket