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(#300 (permalink))
mandalina (Offline)
Posts: 42
Join Date: Aug 2008
Location: Turkiye
こんにちは - 03-04-2011, 10:28 AM

Please help me with these sentences, which I have been struggling with.

あなたが去って行くときに、あなたの黒いノートを持っ ていって
あなたがさっていくときに、あなたのくろいノートをも っていって
While you are leaving, take your black covered notebook with you
(leaving: going away leaving someone behind, walking out on somebody)

私は去っている、 あなたは滞在する, でも、お幸せに
「わたしはさっている、あなたはたいざいする, でも、おしあわせに」
“Stay where I left you, but be happy” or “I am going away you stay, but be happy”
(What I really wanted to say is this "Stay where I left you, but happily" but I thought it would sound better in English like above.)


a daydreamer without dreams