Originally Posted by chryuop
新しい車が欲しくてしかたがない ・ 君に新しい車を 買ってほしくてしかたがない
新しい車が欲しくてしょうがない ・ 君に新しい車を 買ってほしくてしょうがない
新しい車が欲しくてたまらない ・ 君に新しい車を買 ってほしくてたまらない
I was told they all mean the same. Is there any difference in usage or I can pick the one I want?
Those are essentially the same if not "completely" and I am being anal here.
たまらない is more emotive and it expresses the speaker's desire more strongly than the other two. However, this is not something anyone would realistically expect a non-native speaker to be aware of.