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tipsygypsy (Offline)
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03-04-2011, 07:28 PM

Originally Posted by HimeChan13 View Post
I'm in a Japanese language class at my high school and we also focus on the culture in Japan. My teacher has been there and she is very fluent with the language. Anyway, she told us a couple days ago that kids in Japan are pressured a lot in high school to get perfect grades.
and I didn't wanna go to highschool like that. so I chose to go to high school which I could graduate with doing nothing as long as my parents pay the tuition.
It's what makes your family honorable, to have a good job.
right. some pitiful families think that way.
There are some awful tests at the very end of a Japanese student's school career. These tests all take place over a week's time and the students refer to it as "Hell week".
I had no tests in my high school
in this time period, several students commit suicide because of the immense pressure they are under. But what may seem odd to people of other cultures, Japanese people see absolutley nothing wrong with this.
we see that thing more than wrong. we consider the increase of suicide rate as serious social problem we're holding.
Japanese people truly think suicide is an honorable way to die.
that's only for samurais who fought bravely and refused to be shameful pow. most of us think people who commit suicide are dumba**
This could be because of their religion. In a lot of countries, Chritsianity or Catholicism dominates. In Japan, they have religions that are very different than these two.
majority of japanese are atheist.
Apparantly, it is quite acceptable for Japanese people to take their own lives. They don't see anything wrong with it.
not acceptable. we see that thing damn wrong. people who commit suicide are people who don't have any imagination to make their own lives meaningful and precious.

Jah Rastafaaari. Yeah pasta for life

Last edited by tipsygypsy : 03-04-2011 at 07:31 PM.
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