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(#27 (permalink))
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tipsygypsy (Offline)
wa gwaaan?
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Location: tokyo を問う今日 
03-04-2011, 07:49 PM

to me, the biggest problem is the education system. every kid was taught to be accurate parts of a device which is called society. teachers force kids to learn how to be ideal person for working in the companies regardless everyones' personality. so kids become kinda like emotionless robots. that makes them commit suicide when they can't adjust the average of society. they feel they're unnecessary existence when they fail to adjust to the society. I call those people idiots. look around and see the every single spot of our society. Homeless people often look happier than salaryman because they have more freedom. there are a lot of people who make money without being salaryman. being salaryman a'int the only way to live. what school teaches you isn't the only ideal life. what majority of society does isn't the best thing for every single individual.

Jah Rastafaaari. Yeah pasta for life

Last edited by tipsygypsy : 03-04-2011 at 08:46 PM.
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