A Lesson on Sequential Actions for 中・上級 Learners -
03-04-2011, 09:10 PM
Edited to take into account masaegu's proofreading. Thanks!
Same book, same translator. Here you go!
時間的前後関係 Sequential Actions
Used when you want to say that before an event, X was not true, but after the event, X became true and the event was the reason.
Once I had been hospitalized, I finally understood the preciousness of health.
スポーツは自分でやってみてはじめてそのおもしろさが わかるのです。
Once I tried out sports myself, I understood the interest [people have in sports].
When you want to say "After ~, based on that, the next action occurred."
Usage: ta-form or the noun in a する verbの+上で
I will explain the details once we meet.
どの大学を受験するか、両親との相談の上で、決めます 。
As to which university to take the entrance exam for, after talking with my parents, I will decide.
Used when you want to say "After some action, a circumstance/state became and remained true."
You cannot use it for something that occurs only once after an event/action.
大学を卒業して以来、中山さんには一度も会っていませ ん。
Since graduating from university, I haven't met Nakayama at all.
Since beginning to live alone, I have constantly [done nothing but] eat out.
Used when you want to say that in order for ~ not to happen, it is necessary to do ~ ahead of time.
The second part of the sentence should be something troublesome or impossible.
野菜を生で食べるなら、よく洗ってからでないと、農薬 が心配だ。
If you're going to eat vegetables raw, until you clean them well, pesticides are a concern.
木村教授には前もって電話してからでないと、お会いで きないかもしれません。
Unless you call Prof. Kimura ahead of time, you might not be able to meet with him.
Used when you want to say "while ~ is true, I will do things because once ~ is not true, doing those things becomes difficult."
Usage: present form of a clause + うちに
While I am single, I want to try out many things.
「若いうちに勉強しなかったら、いったいいつ勉強する んですか。」
If you do not study while you are young, when the hell are you going to study?!"
"Before ~ happens, in preparation ~"
The preparation should be something quite important/big.
Usage: dictionary form or the noun part of a する verb +に先だって
Before departing, I sent all my big luggage.
I spent time and money on an investigation prior to transferring.
"Since doing ~, ~ [all the time]"
The preceding event often serves as the motivation/momentum behind the second event. A person's emotions are often tied up in the outcome, too.
たばこをやめてからというもの、食欲が出て体の調子が とてもいい。
Since giving up smoking, I have had an appetite and I have felt good.
あの本を読んでからというものは、どう生きるべきかに ついて考えない日はない。
Since reading that book, there has not been a day when I haven't thought how I ought to live.
Last edited by KyleGoetz : 03-05-2011 at 03:56 AM.