A Lesson on Correlations for 中・上級 Learners -
03-05-2011, 03:57 AM
Same book, same translator. Corrections by masaegu. Thanks!
相関関係 Correlations
Expresses the idea that if something changes, something else will change.
就職試験のことは、考えれば考えるほど心配になってく る。
Regarding the employment exam, the more I think about it, the more worried I become.
The easier it is to use everyday tools, the better.
**「アパートを探しています。駅に近いほどいいんです� ��どこかありませんか。」
"I am looking for an apartment. The closer to the station the better, but are there any?"
** Note: This structure leaves out the 〜ば/〜なら, and it is a summary form. Such sentence structure is possible as an abbreviated form of the entire structure.
Used when the level of something changes, and it is then the reason something else changes.
The preceding and succeeding clauses are both ones that express change.
You do not use this with something that only changes one time. For example 二十歳になる cannot be used, but 二十歳に近づく is OK because it's a continuous progression.
You cannot use this to express an inclination of the speaker or a suggestion. So no つもり or ましょう type sentences!
Usage: dictionary form or the noun of a する verb +につれて
日本語の上達につれて、友達が増え、日本での生活が楽 しくなってきた。
As my Japanese has improved, I have made more friends, and Japanese living has become more enjoyable.
温度が上がるにつれて、水の分子の動きが活発になって くる。
As the [water] temperature rises, water molecules will become more animated.
Expresses how when something happens, something else comes next.
You do not use this with something that only changes one time.
The preceding and succeeding clauses are both ones that express change.
You can use this with verbs that express the speaker's inclination or thoughts.
Usage: same as for につれて above
物価の上昇にしたがい、リサイクル運動への関心が高ま ってきた。
As the price of goods has risen, interest in the recycling* movement has increased.
*"recycle" here is used in the Japanese sense. IN Japan, recycle stores are akin to resale/consignment/second-hand shops in the US. So in this sentence, the point is that more people are buying second-hand goods because everything is more expensive.
今後、通勤客が増えるにしたがって、バスの本数を増え やしていこうと思っている。
We plan to increase the number of buses as the number of commuters increases in the future.
"When ~ occurs, alongside it, ~"
The preceding and succeeding clauses are both ones that express change.
You do not use this with something that only changes one time.
You can use this with verbs that express the speaker's inclination or thoughts.
Usage: dictionary form or noun part of a する verb +に伴って
As he got older, he gradually became a man of few words.
病気の回復に伴って、少しずつ働く時間を伸ばしていく つもりだ。
As I recover from my illness, I plan to slowly extend the number of hours I work.
"When ~ occurs, alongside it, ~"
The preceding and succeeding clauses are both ones that express change.
You do not use this with something that only changes one time.
You can use this with verbs that express the speaker's inclination or thoughts.
Usage: dictionary form or noun +とともに
陽射しが強まり、気温が高くなるとともに次々と花が開 き始める。
As the sunlight gets stronger and the [air] temperature rises, flowers will begin to open, one after the other.
この国では内戦の拡大とともに、人々の生活の安定は次 第に失われていった。
In this country, as internal strife expanded, the stability of people's lives subsequently was lost.
Last edited by KyleGoetz : 03-05-2011 at 07:19 AM.