Originally Posted by KyleGoetz
Possibly will also be corrections to my translation by the same folks!
Even at the risk of being called the biggest faultfinder in Eastern Japan, someone has to do this since this is a "lesson" thread.
今後、通勤客が増えるにしたがって、バスの本数を増え やしていこうと思っている。
I think in the future, as the number of commuters increases, the number of buses will increase.
I cannot really say you are understanding who the speaker is
in relation to the bus service. If you are, it is not reflected in your TL.
Hint 1: いこう
Your TL would have been good had the second part of the original sentence been バスの本数は増えていくと思う.
Hint 2: "I" or "We" for the subject?