Originally Posted by masaegu
Even at the risk of being called the biggest faultfinder in Eastern Japan, someone has to do this since this is a "lesson" thread. 
I need this. It forces me to pay more attention in my own translation work, too.
I cannot really say you are understanding who the speaker is in relation to the bus service. If you are, it is not reflected in your TL.
Hint 1: いこう
Your TL would have been good had the second part of the original sentence been バスの本数は増えていくと思う.
Hint 2: "I" or "We" for the subject?
So are you saying that the speaker is a manager/CEO/government representative of whatever group operates the bus company? (I'm not sure whether the bus systems in Japan are city-owned or are private companies. I know JR used to be governmental, but is now privately owned, or something like that.)
I did not pick up on that, but I think that's what you're suggesting by the いこう rather than いく.
And then volitional+と思っている expresses a plan or hope, right?
So more along the lines of:
"We plan to increase the number of buses as the number of commuters increases in the future."