Originally Posted by KyleGoetz
So are you saying that the speaker is a manager/CEO/government representative of whatever group operates the bus company? (I'm not sure whether the bus systems in Japan are city-owned or are private companies. I know JR used to be governmental, but is now privately owned, or something like that.)
I did not pick up on that, but I think that's what you're suggesting by the いこう rather than いく.
And then volitional+と思っている expresses a plan or hope, right?
So more along the lines of:
"We plan to increase the number of buses as the number of commuters increases in the future."
Riiight! (Said in a heavy East Tennessee drawl.) I gave too many hints, too!
There are all kinds of bus services in Japan - private companies, municipally-run services, joint ventures by local governments and private companies, etc.