Thread: Tattoo
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(#25 (permalink))
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ryuurui (Offline)
Japanese calligrapher
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Join Date: Jul 2010
Location: Tokyo
03-06-2011, 08:41 AM

elder brother in Chinese (i.e. big brother, also in Japanese)

I will not comment on the kanji but the echo of binary code springs to mind quite vividly. It imitates handwritten 哥, but badly. For instance both horizontal lines are straight where in standard script they should be slightly curved to lighten up the structer and awaken vitality and let the energy flow. This character suggests that her eleder brother was frozen stiff like Hans Solo in star Wars saga. That also goes to vertical lines , they are not supposed to be that rigid in handwriting. Another issue is their consistent thickness, which kills any life left in it.

You guys need to understand that even if someone is a native speaker it doesnt mean that he can write calligraphy. In fact only a small percentage can do it. I often write calliggraphy for Japanese people and I am a foreigner. Ability of writing kanji and calligraphy are like owning a lion and training him not to bite your hear off. It takes a lot of time and patience which are rather in short supply these days.
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