Originally Posted by JustinRossTso
3D might actually have bad side effects, and your son will be unaffected !
That's actually why I'm reluctant to buy it at the moment. There's a huge warning that any children under a certain age shouldn't play it, instead they should turn the graphics to 2D, because it's dangerous (I forget why exactly, I'm going to say it probably induces fits and things). My idea is that if it's not safe for anyone under 7 then who's to say it's safe for adults? I think I'll wait a while and see what the effects are and if it is safe.
Not only that, but I wanna see how 'great' it is before buying it, for all I know it could suck! I'll wait until my friends and cousins get it and have a look first, no point wasting £220 on something that isn't as cool as it sounds