Thread: Introductions
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(#681 (permalink))
Jusa (Offline)
New to JF
Posts: 5
Join Date: Mar 2011
Location: Scandinavia; Finland
hello - 03-06-2011, 01:33 PM

Nick: Jusa
Age: 28 this year
Gender: male
Body> female

Found this forum through someone's blog the other day and ended up reading about working in Japan, though I've no intention of doing so myself. I did contemplate however a couple years ago immigrating to USA, and well, maybe because of that: I don't have any rosy ideas of moving to another country with a flick of my wrist.

Random: I'm a cat owner.

Reason why I'm here is curiosity, seeing what people think internationally and how they come together.

I don't really remember when Japan has taken my interest, the first thing I remember has to do with Japanese scenery/gardens. Then again my birth religion promoted an international 'one family' so probably I got the like somewhere in my childhood that I've already forgotten about.

I like getting idea's from Japanese street style (from hair to clothes and in between). I've been planning to become a clothes designer in near future -- don't know about my skills but that's most likely because I don't understand sewing clothes together in practical sense.. But that's what schools are for, acquiring skills, talent is another story.

Anyway -- nice to meet you all!
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