Originally Posted by Koir
*finds lyrics video*
Hm. It's similar to most heavy metal and darker music like it. The important part is to understand that the song is from the perspective of the person making all the events happen. Also, the song is mainly about one repeated action and the reasoning or thinking behind it.
I don’t listen to heavy metal music much.
I prefer lyrics which make sense.
I can see why it was used in the Death Note anime as it shares the same themes of ruthless justice done by someone who believes they are unquestionably correct.
Yes, one of the early themes of Death Note is ruthless justice, I agree.
Many people say that Death Note had been very good before L died.
However, I do agree there are some words and imagery that don't make a whole lot of sense even after many readings. But that's the nature of music and creativity...sometimes it makes sense by not making sense.
When listening to music, many Japanese people don’t try to understand or listen to the meanings of the lyrics.
Once I was really surprised when one of my friends said she didn’t know the meanings of songs she really loved. Do you believe that? The songs were sung in Japanese, and yet she didn’t listen to the lyrics. She just listened to the melody.
Since I love reading lyrics, I wasn’t able to believe how she had listened to music.
However, I’ve found many friends who don’t listen to lyrics since then.