Thread: Ask the girls
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(#168 (permalink))
junicorn (Offline)
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Join Date: Jan 2011
03-07-2011, 10:30 AM

Originally Posted by protheus View Post
Offtopic:As stated above, we are equal, but not the same.

Ontopic: Why do girls think those big fake eyelashes or blackened to black hole dark and stretched as far as possible are something attractive? Tbh, I hate that, and same for all my friends (not even one exception from the male side)...
If you mean in Japan...being this is a Japan forum... It is bc Japanese girls have very short and straight eyelashes. This look is an attempt to compensate for the lack of eyelashes and to capture the look of a doll, which expresses innocence and youth, which is what Japanese guys are thought to want. I think fake lashes should only be used for photoshoots and on stage performances, but I must say when I see a loli on the train I get giddy at the adorableness. If girls wear them in America...probably skanks. Idk,
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