03-07-2011, 03:35 PM
Hi JohnBraden,
Many thanks for your very honest reply, I understand exactly what you say and in regards to some of your answer I hope to put things into a bit more detail so some of these questions are answered.
I have been to Japan twice on holiday and loved it, i agree i did not have the burden of thinking like a local citizen there and knew I had the comfort of flying back, money in my pocket and didnt have to worry about how to arrange a local phone or broadband package etc and the likes but guess I just want a new challenge.
I will most definitely take your advice as i think this was one of my questions and apply for a teacher training job (or go on holiday for 1 or 2 months to look for work) before i really make the decision that this would be for me.
I am stck in a rut at the moment, and you do mention that it is them who are flawed, I guess i am one of those who am flawed and need a new challenge, aspiration to get me out of this. I may be wrong but whats the worst that could happen? I hate it and come back in two months time having had a decent holiday. I am posting early for as much valued advice such as yours as much as possible, this way i hope to eliminate any possibility of this and have a much better chance at succeeding, rather than been one of those "many" that fail.
I hope this answers a bit more, i tried to keep my brief as short as possible but have missed out some vital info, basically I just need a new start, I know things will be hard, and again if it fails, atleast i will have more knowledge, can say on my CV that i can understand Japanese at a basic level and surely these things are positive.
Again thank you and i hope for really honest answers from others who have thought like i did, actually did it or people who are similarly thinking in the same direction. As much advice is really really appreciated..
Thanka again,