Originally Posted by wolfmom
Can I borrow this thread a minute? I will definitely refer back once I learn the alphabet  I have a question though, the hiragana chart I'm using has 2 different ways to write "ji" and "zu" I'm confused why (although I suppose it will be evident once I start more with words
For future reference, there is a thread for this type of question already:
For the same reason that, in English, the "X" sound can also be written "KS" and the "Q" sound can be written "KW": purely historical reasons.
Also, in some areas of Japan that don't speak standard Japanese, the pronunciation
is different.
Just keep this in mind:
1. ず/じ are used way more frequently than づ/ぢ. The latter is almost exclusively used when you are "softening" a つ/ち sound. Other than that, it's almost always ず/じ. If you have to guess, use ず/じ. But you have to just memorize when to use which.