Originally Posted by KyleGoetz
Yeah. The one you likely dislike for looking "plain" and "not exotic enough" is more "correct." The one with all the complex characters looks really Chinese but isn't Chinese. It would be if I wrote the dog name "Fido" as "Phydeaux." Same sound, different writing, and both are "correct" spellings of a sound but only one is considered "correct" by 90% of the population.
No offense to tipsygypsy of course! I only put "correct" in quotation marks because I don't like calling anything correct when dealing with language since "correct" is only "what most people say is correct."
Neither has any meaning, though. They both are phonetic. The complicated looking ones ostensibly have meaning, but it's like gibberish meaning. Well, except for "Karen," which does mean "pitiful" there.
I know you never meant to offend me. and I don't think karen means pitiful. 可憐( karen ) is a word to describe the beauty of moment which holds a bit of sadness within. Just like a flower blown in the wind. Petals are blown away, but that moment is beautiful, and that moment also is sad. I consider that kind of beautiful and fragile moment 可憐 ( karen )