Originally Posted by KyleGoetz
朝9時までにご来店の方に限り、コーヒーのサービスが あります。
We have coffee service until 9 in the morning, limited to in-store pickup.
Correct if the English means that it is free.
日本ごこの憲法を守っているかぎりは、平和が維持され ると考えていいだろうか。
Isn't it safe to think that, so long as Japan defends its constitution, peace will be maintained.
この売り上げ状況のグラフをみるかぎりでは、我が社の 製品の売れ行きは順調だ。
If you look only at the graph of sales conditions, demand for our country's products is satisfactory.
"our country's"?
マラソン当日の天気、選手にとってはただそれのみが心 配だ。
According to the professional, the weather on the day of the marathon is the only concern.
"According to"?
"the professional"?
There is an innocence where you cannot reveal this image to a child.
?????? Not sure if you got the structure right.
Hint: The 無邪気 is in the 絵 and that is something only kids can express.