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Nyororin (Offline)
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03-10-2011, 08:18 AM

Originally Posted by KyleGoetz View Post
朝9時までにご来店の方に限り、コーヒーのサービスが あります。
We have coffee service until 9 in the morning, limited to in-store pickup.
I`m not a native speaker, but I would understand this sentence as meaning something a bit different...
Not "limited to in-store pickup" but "limited to those who come before 9 AM".
I don`t really see anything that implies that there is anything having to do with pickup. Just that they will give free coffee to those who come before 9 AM.

Maybe if there was some other context I could see the "pickup" bit, but that alone doesn`t cover it.


この売り上げ状況のグラフをみるかぎりでは、我が社の 製品の売れ行きは順調だ。
If you look only at the graph of sales conditions, demand for our country's products is satisfactory.
Ignoring what Masaegu commented on, this isn`t entirely wrong, I suppose... But the translation doesn`t sit well with me.
みるかぎり sort of carries the meaning of "as far as I can tell from". "look only at" implies (to me) that looking elsewhere would give a different result. みるかぎり doesn`t imply that.

As I`m not a native speaker, I kind of cringe away from commenting on these translations... But if my comments are also helpful, I`ll give them. At the very least, I`m a professional translator so hope that I`m right.

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Last edited by Nyororin : 03-10-2011 at 08:26 AM.
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