Originally Posted by Columbine
Say whuuut? Calling a man to change a ~LIGHT BULB~ to make him feel wanted? Are you serious? The only circumstance that would lead me to call a man for such a little task would be if I'd broken both my legs. For me that would be condescending to my boy and demeaning to myself.
"Hey boyfriend, to placate your fragile male ego (because clearly any other demonstration of love for you is not enough) I'm going to pretend to be someone I'm not, and feign a truly pathetic level of incompetence so you can come dashing to my petty time-wasting demands like my shining knight of menial chores."
Can't you just ~tell~ the poor sucker you like having him around? You know, if that whole 'dating' thing isn't getting the hint across?
Men like to solve problems. They like to talk through things. Women like to talk about things. For women the talking about things is therapeutic. For men it is different. The talking is sharing information in order to enact a plan to resolve the issue. Modus Operendi is right, in that it doesn't matter if a woman is independent, self-motivated, outspoken, etc. as long as the man feels needed in her life. If he isn't serving any purpose, he is going to hit the road.