Originally Posted by MMM
Men like to solve problems. They like to talk through things. Women like to talk about things. For women the talking about things is therapeutic. For men it is different. The talking is sharing information in order to enact a plan to resolve the issue. Modus Operendi is right, in that it doesn't matter if a woman is independent, self-motivated, outspoken, etc. as long as the man feels needed in her life. If he isn't serving any purpose, he is going to hit the road.
I understand that people in relationships need to feel needed, but do I really have to fake needing stupid chores done for me to achieve that?
I'm not talking about a long-winded heart to heart about how I want and need him in my life, but an honest comment now and then without having to stoop to the whole farce of 'Oh me oh my, my lightbulb is brokened. Oh whatsoever shall I do, being the poor delicate girl that I am. I need a MAN."