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(#6 (permalink))
Realism (Offline)
JF Old Timer
Posts: 145
Join Date: Mar 2008
03-10-2011, 11:03 PM

Originally Posted by lucagalbu View Post
Ok, I know that the worst way to learn japanese is watching anime, but I really need something to help me with the pronunciation and anime is the only thing for free which can be found over the net (a part from childish programs).
Ok....I don't know why it is so hard for people to understand this. But, let me just say this. 95% of the dialogue in anime is just regular, native Japanese. It's made BY native Japanese people, FOR native Japanese people. It uses regular, real Japanese that people use everyday. Even in Naruto and Bleach, most of the dialogue is completely normal Japanese.

The only "problem" I have with learning from anime is that the actors all speak very clearly, they can't mumble, they can't slur their words. They can't speak fast. They have to speak clearly. It's like watching Japanese news, where all the newscasters must have a perfect accent and speak crystal-clear Japanese. Which, in real Life, people don't do that. They will mumble and speak as fast as they want.

They WAY an anime character speak is different than in real Life, sure. But the WORDS and the SENTENCES are pretty much the same.

Other than can learn just about everything from anime.'ll learn 50 ways of saying "I'll kill you"

But, you'll also learn 50 ways of saying "I'm happy", "I'm sad", "I'm depressed", "What are you doing?", "This computer is broken!" , "I wish I had money right now..." "The gust of wind is strong"......and millions of other phrases.

Originally Posted by lucagalbu View Post
I've heard that dialogues in detective conan are quite polite... do you think that is true? And do you think it could be used as an aid in learning Japanese?
You can find "polite" dialogue in ANY anime. Doesn't have to be Detective Conan

Last edited by Realism : 03-10-2011 at 11:09 PM.
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