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KyleGoetz (Offline)
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03-10-2011, 11:58 PM

Originally Posted by masaegu View Post
機会 = an opportunity


You make it sound like it's about growing flowers.
花を咲かせる is being used an idiom there.

Somehow you are not getting the structure.

You are reading it as one thing leading to two results.
Rather, it's two things causing one result.
Thanks for the corrections. I hope my edits have fixed the problems. I chose to translate 花を咲かせる as "bear fruit," which is idiomatically similar in English.

As for the last sentence, I changed it to read that the mountainous terrain and status as an island nation are perhaps responsible for the personality of Japanese people.

機械 as 機会 was a frequent typo on my part, sadly, and I seem to overlook some tense issues occasionally. Thanks for catching those!
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