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godwine (Offline)
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03-11-2011, 01:03 PM

Thanks to my wife, who love to keep her things in order, here is a break down of our daily spending when we had our honeymoon there. I am only putting up the spending around food as reference. Sourvenir an anything else are not included, this is spending for the both of us, and we didn't eat high class either, so i think this should be a good starting point for you to think how much you will need:

These are all in YEN

Oct 24 - 2009
Breakfast - 1820
Drinks - 280
Coffee - 880
Lunch - 1910
Dinner - 3800

Total Day 1 - 8960 .

Oct 25 - 2009
Breakfast - 1180
Lunch - 1200
Snack - 1300
Dinner - 2180
Drinks - 1040

Total day 2 - 6900

Oct 26 - 2009
Breakfast - 2400
Lunch - 1350
Ice Cream - 500
Snack - 641
Dinner - 1125

Total Day 3 - 6016

Oct 27 - 2009
breakfast - 980
Lunch - 1520
Dinner - 11010

Total day 4 - 13510

Oct 28 - 2009
Breakfast - 1514
Lunch - 2520
Drinks - 430
Dinner - 1800

Total day 5 - 6264

Oct 29 - 2009

Breakfast - 694
Drinks - 294
Lunch - 350
Drinks - 120
Dinner - 2300

Total day 6 - 3758

Oct 30 - 2009

Breakfast - 731
Ice cream - 670
Lunch - 2150
Drinks - 300
Snacks - 800
Dinner 2058

Total day 7 - 6709

October 31 - 2009

Breakfast 1036
Snack 1760
Drink 950
Ice cream 600
Dinner 1251

Total day 8 5597

Nov 1 - 2009
Breakfast 1080
Snack 690
Drinks 150

Total day 9 - 1920

Nov 2 - 2009
Drinks 290
Coffee 390
Lunch 2450
Dinner 1843

Total Day 10 - 4973

Nov 3 - 2009
Breakfast 1173
Lunch 1400
Snacks - 439
Dinner 1780

Total Day 11 - 4792

Nov 4 - 2009

Breakfast 619
Drinks 270
Lunch 4510
Dinner 1375

Total day 12 - 6774

Nov 5,6, 7- none, paid for by my uncle

Nov 8 - 2009
Breakfast 3570
Lunch 852
Dnner 1750

Total day 16 - 6172

Nov 9 - 2009
Breafast 1072
Lunch 1290
snack 760
dinner 4988
drinks 356

Total day 17 - 8466

Nov 10 - 2009
Breakfast 1010
drinks 298
lunch 1860
dinner 5958

total day 18 - 9126

Nov 11 -2009
Breakfast 587
Coffee 1000
snack 750
dinner 1059

Total day 19 - 3396

Nov 12 - 2009
Breakfast 871
Lunch 3100
Dinner 5080
snack 1070

total day 20 - 10121

Nov 13 - 2009
breakfast 2699
lunch 2100
dinner 1080

total day 21 - 5879

Total on food for 21 days - 114360, average = 5445.7 per day for 2 people, and keep in mind, of the 21 days, 3 were paid for by my uncle, so really, the average should be base on 18 days making it an average 6353 yen per day for 2 people.

So, 30 dollars a day just for food is going to be really close,if you want to thrown in a souvenir or 2, you will at least need another 10-20 a day.... i also have a breakdown on what we spent total, but i don't want to bored everyone with that list

Last edited by godwine : 03-15-2011 at 05:08 PM.
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