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(#170 (permalink))
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Sangetsu (Offline)
Busier Than Shinjuku Station
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03-11-2011, 11:37 PM

Originally Posted by VincentCross View Post
why havnt they Sent The ACE Emergency relife group to help? the Air crisis emergency rielf group. or ACE relief. they should be launching UH60s from ACE building in okinawa.
As far as I know they were sent about 30 minutes after the first quake hit. Saw several CH47 and other helicopteres flying north, they were outlined in the sky pretty well by the big fire at the refinery.

The pictres this morning are pretty incredible, there is devastation everywhere. Seawalls were knocked down in many coastal towns and several of these remai flooded. Many people are on the rooftops waving flags, and I can see one sign which says "help" in English.

I had been scheduled to teach a few classes, but my school's director called after 1am to tell me that classes were canceled, duh.
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