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(#277 (permalink))
KHamby (Offline)
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Location: Cameron, Missouri USA
03-12-2011, 08:26 PM

Originally Posted by RobinMask View Post
Speaking of lack of respect from some in the west, there was a picture in the paper today to go with the tsunami article (The Times, I think) of the Grim Reaper surfing on a coffin-shaped surfboard with Japan's flag on it . . . it seemed in extremely bad taste to me, rather offensive too. A lot of the news coverage (save from the the NHK and BBC) doesn't seem to be treating the issue with any respect at all . . .

I just wondered how the issue was being covered in other countries outside of the UK and Japan? How is the media handling this in the rest of the world?
I was watching Anderson Cooper on CNN when they abruptly broke for the earthquake. I watched, horrified, as the tsunami spread its destruction. I stayed up all night watching and praying for Japan. At first the news was repetitive, but I couldn't turn away from it.

Americans are very concerned about Japan. Already groups are asking for contributions toward aid for people who have lost so much. CNN broadcast nothing but news from Japan all the next day, also. It is still almost the only thing on the news. Don't believe the people who say we don't care. The vast majority are heartbroken and praying for you.

Last edited by KHamby : 03-12-2011 at 08:32 PM.
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