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(#331 (permalink))
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Rinai (Offline)
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Posts: 91
Join Date: Dec 2010
03-13-2011, 07:32 AM

Originally Posted by GoNative View Post
God I fricken hate religious people. One half will claim this is was an act of god and the half will pray to one of these mythical beings to help in the aftermath. They're all nuts as far as I'm concerned.
Wanna help? Send money not your useless prayers!!
'God I fricken hate religious people' -- Bwehe. Well, hm. It's understandable to have such a strong dislike because I do too. I really really hate it when people think that horrid things are the wrath of their God. As if their God is just sitting around waiting to get back at people for them or whatever, like they have their God's power at the palm of their hands. It makes me really mad. I respect religious views but sometimes people go nuts with it and overboard.

I hope no one takes your blunt statement about sending money in a bad way. Good prayers and thoughts are very nice but however seemingly useless. Since I'm not about to at the moment, I've been spreading word in how money can be sent easily through my social network and people who don't have the means to send money now should at least spread word as well. I feel bad I can't do anything but think about my loved ones.

*plooka plooka*

Rin no talk. 私の一番な色は何ですか。「Day--」 黒沼爽子と翔太くん。いつでも/もじもじ-- 30
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