Originally Posted by evanny
if you know any of these retarded hill-billy assholes, please take your shotgun and blast their fucking heads of. thank you.

You know what is really amazing... is that people who obviously have about 4 brains cells actually know how to use a computer..
Seriously though these people should be published in a newspaper for the world to see. How can we reprint this? These names should not be forgotten and these people should come to an understanding of what low-lifes they are how pathetic it is they live in the age of information yet are sooo stupid. Part of me would love to see them and their stupidness be the ones to be swept away by a tsunami.. but the person in me who is 1000 times better than them (and that isn't too hard to accomplish) would hope that they could be educated and changed so that they would not think this way. It really saddens me to think these people are actually real... shame on them to tarnish my country with their existence.. I hope people realize that they are most likely a minority...